music box

4 Plays

14 Sep 2019

close your eyes and picture the following. it is around the middle of the night and you are heading to a destination of your choosing, doesnt matter where. everything at the moment seems peaceful. then you start hearing a tune. you cant quite put your mind to where you have heard the tune from, but it sounds strangely familiar. it seems quiet at first, but then starts getting louder. you start to look around, to find where the tune is coming from, but you cant seem to find it. then the tune starts to get louder and louder. you start to walk at a quicker pace, paranoia starting to take into effect. you are now frantically searching where the tune is coming from, but you cant find where the source is. it gets so loud, that you put your hands to your ears, trying to drown out the sound but to no effect. then the sound stops. you look around, relieved, and then turn back to where you were facing.


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close your eyes and picture the following. it is around the middle of the night and you are heading to a destination of your choosing, doesnt matter where. everything at the moment seems peaceful. then you start hearing a tune. you cant quite put your mind to where you have heard the tune from, but it sounds strangely familiar. it seems quiet at first, but then starts getting louder. you start to look around, to find where the tune is coming from, but you cant seem to find it. then the tune starts to get louder and louder. you start to walk at a quicker pace, paranoia starting to take into effect. you are now frantically searching where the tune is coming from, but you cant find where the source is. it gets so loud, that you put your hands to your ears, trying to drown out the sound but to no effect. then the sound stops. you look around, relieved, and then turn back to where you were facing.

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