Amber Barnett
Amber Barnett



38 Plays

02 Jan 2023

I feel as if I'm stuck don't know where to turn in a nut the right leaves me feeling enough is enough don't know how to get there a place comfort and Care people help people hold out a hand Never Never Land This Land Is Never Enough once you start then all hope seems gone why do I feel like I'm not supposed to be here land our own can't seem to explore don't know where to roam turn if it's not supposed to be for me to Love More and have more to score I can work hard but still get nothing for me maybe it's supposed to be I don't have anyone to turn to don't even know if anyone hears my song my sorrow so lost just feel like I'm nothing more than someone's door stop step on me once more down in the floor shove me in the dirt okay can you throw that away fuck you grab it and spray one day we fade away when the land turn gray it's real Jesus comes n takes the ones he gonna take n we turn n realize this what was taught ain't fake its amazing how when one go down we shake n cry like a lake. it's worth nothing to think we can take earth possessions in our possession all we can truly take is our soul means we don't leave with our hearts


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1 year ago

I feel as if I'm stuck don't know where to turn in a nut the right leaves me feeling enough is enough don't know how to get there a place comfort and Care people help people hold out a hand Never Never Land This Land Is Never Enough once you start then all hope seems gone why do I feel like I'm not supposed to be here land our own can't seem to explore don't know where to roam turn if it's not supposed to be for me to Love More and have more to score I can work hard but still get nothing for me maybe it's supposed to be I don't have anyone to turn to don't even know if anyone hears my song my sorrow so lost just feel like I'm nothing more than someone's door stop step on me once more down in the floor shove me in the dirt okay can you throw that away fuck you grab it and spray one day we fade away when the land turn gray it's real Jesus comes n takes the ones he gonna take n we turn n realize this what was taught ain't fake its amazing how when one go down we shake n cry like a lake. it's worth nothing to think we can take earth possessions in our possession all we can truly take is our soul means we don't leave with our hearts

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