The Sea of Forgetfulness

The Sea of Forgetfulness

52 Plays

05 Aug 2022

Rendered unconscious and unresponsive, you're prayerful and trusting therefore your surgeon has a moral compass, because that immoral molestation nonsense would have me on a conquest of thinking some harsh comments and have people leaking physiological contents. Me, jumping in the flesh is not a constant, but a promise if a person in their profession is not honest. My anger, I cannot always harness, thus I am somewhat tarnished, yet the Scriptures admonish that the Judgment is upon us, and we should be in oneness of heart that blunders depart, looking at one another with fondness and stop being so prickly with the drama of sharp darts to pierce armor. Start to forgive. This will spark the revolution of how we should live and the final solution instead of sorrowful graves to be digged. There's a great deal of evil the Most High needs extracted from within us. To those of us in His grace, all of this will be erased and He will not condemn us.


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IT IS UPON US.... POWER PACKED WORDS ... Forgive others ... @sector51 if you doing any tracks from your new album can i be on a cut

2 years ago

power words , holy ☄

best of wordplay 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🆕

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