
#feature #bmfeature #bmbest #peffery #cnr #MODERATORen #THEREALCOSTRANOSTRARECS #rapfamegod transforming yo emotions steadily floating exposing a majical potion my scope like the Hubble thanks to my ancestors hello caller number 9 ambition back in 99 b4 the tech my insight is priceless eye to eye contact might cost u yo bitch nothing on my neck or wrist worth more than stones in seiarra leon when i turn the mic on 1 take great they cant understand it so they wish me dead hating praying on my downfall wat about yall morales and pateince lead to relations in unique places relationship s its all about who u wit finances and feelings dont mix captain of the cruise last of my kind like a samaurai ready to die fire in his eyes stay wise like a elder helta skeltar enemies chasing um down seeking shelter leave um helpless rick grimes with rhymes more like negan holla at me 4 a feature and invest in self


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Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

1 year ago



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