Dale Wright

Find Myself (12:23:29)

Dale Wright
Find Myself (12:23:29)

90 Plays

27 Oct 2021

Abby Angel 11/1. 11/11 Sweetheart it is taking me way too long to write you this letter my time on this rock is fastly coming to an end and my greatest accomplishment as you you’re so imperfectly perfect and loved so much more than you might grasp in this moment in time but I make this promise to you now it will all make crystal clear since everything has a purpose even at our lowest points our struggles and setbacks even though all the injustices which you will face.There all perfectly working for you, learn from your mistakes, as well as your accomplishments. Have an open mind try not to judge. Treat every single being with mutual respect their you and you are them. We’re all sovereign but yet one. You’re only as good or as bad as your environment. A reflection of your inner most spark. Calm your self your heart the best you can and your environment must comply. It all begins and ends within your heart. It will be because you’re here. All the confirmation one needed came that night your aunt told me you were coming into being. In all honesty though if I had a choice I wouldn’t Bestos such a life there are horrific and yet gorgeous experiences you will endure I’ve tried to break as many generational binds that I can possibly endure. I have loved you every second of each day from that night on although it has been from a far. One day you’ll understand why and that point you’ll understand why if it was my choice I I wouldn’t choose to allow the cruelest endeavors to touch or influence such a pure and perfect woman. I am proud of you no matter what you accomplish or don’t. Just be and always be yourself you’re a miracle one of a kind. So be you it’s easiest live each day to the fullest take risks and wagers if you knew each humans probabilistic odds and even being born then you already know how special we all are. You’re meant to be we all are. Mother nature has been waiting patiently. Nothing you do is wrong synonym laws are but a construct proof being why were Adam and eve embarrassed of their nudity they are perfect yet call Hearst into shame. Always help others and treat them as how you’d want to be treated the golden rule. Never point your finger one might be pointing away but in totality there’s three inevitably pointing at you. You reap what you sow. Karma always serves in the exact and proper amount always. Don’t try to enact car Mattick affect energy she’s got this and always will if you can think it you will achieve it you decide. No matter the outcome it’s exactly how it was meant to be. You are royalty just as is everyone else you’re no better and no worse be you remain true trust your intuition always even if you’d rather not. Your ancestors are never far in fact they’re closer now than in life before death. Shine and shine Bright always. My dear daughter I love you and will always be here for you even after my scarred body decides to return to the cycle of life just look in the lesson and I’ll be there with the greatest of honor’s dad


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3 years ago

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

Here are my scores: Bars: 8/10 Delivery: 9/10 Impression: 9/10 Bars: Great 🎉 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

#Dale stop by my new song for the kids

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