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KP'z karizma



Ever felt that your just a model pupil in a school of opposites. And you never enrolled into not a one? And ever school profits off of every decision you make, claiming the initial thought you made was there's? And had they not made that thought for you, you would of never had come up with it? But when you make decisions that are frowned upon they claim they had nothing to do with it? That that was your primate self? And by no means could it be any part of there awesome intellect. Or the actions you take that get you locked behind the walls because they constantly push push push until all you feel like you can do is break the laws that they made btw ( How convient huh?) Yup. So when you make good decisions and have righteousness behind them. Well better put ($) after them, those ideas they are quick to take credit for. Daao they Canaan feet money money money for there scholastic activities! Yeah! Yet you, the one who gave them the thought get fuck over with maybe a penny that they decide to drop on the piss stained sidewalk for ya. Oh are they not just so thoughtful? So when you go on a few high speeds or steal or kill or cheat or lie they turn the other way? And look straight into the cameras eye an nonchalantly say, " Wasn't I!" Yeah well guess what? You are a true artist an not a journalist. Although I do love a deep throat! Ha The truth is always in you!


United States