
8 Plays

25 Jan 2019

Thes-----e constant chit chat chattering voices inside my cranium are constantly getting at my cervical mis matched brain again. Synapses snaping out insane thoughts to the point where insane's definition needs to be changed/ permanently/ in all dictionaries. Cuz the directions my voices are sending/ keep getting me closer to the position/ I need to be in/ and that's a contradiction/ to there meaning, ain't that scary? Well not really frightening as enlighting. All the while the Dr and psychiatrists keep prescribing/ me/ medications that hinder these voices. And that's the misnomber/ who made them the judges to rate me as a non finalist? It's about time I make them stop/ getting over upon my plot/ go load up a super soaker and what not. My life/ there's it is not. And my voices agree. but these fiends/ keep at it way beyond a 33 degree. Voices whispering well then time to split some spleen. Yes yes indeed. *3(These voices. My only friends. My choices as well as them. Inside my cra cra cranium.) Go ahead ya'll label me insane again. They tell me that schizophrenia is where I be/ since these voices constantly conversat with me. And I see how it is the voices are right. While these psychiatrists are full of shit. Cuz there voices are silenced/ by societies/ goal to pursue conformist slaves of all types. In there order of brainless/ non questioning conglomerate conglomerite. Congealed individually. Concealed/ controlled controlisit/ whom love to interfere upon all my voices/ and my own plight. Take a fucking hike. Better yet fly a kite/ in the middle of a lightening storm and don't stop till lightening strikes. Alright. Cuz unlike most of you/ I do what my voices ask me too. Be it good or bad there's a reason these voices be speaking/ inside my cerebrospinal like Dr X/ was sending subliminal/ mixed/ messages into my gray matter vinyl/ using cerebromedium/ and the task is that of upper most titles. So you see its vital. That I listen to these lectures inside my spinal/ cortex/ cuz if I didn't I'd be exactly where it is most of ya'll are at. Being normal just ain't what is normally normality for me so there for these voices are me. Don't ya see? If not then back the fuck up off of me. *3(These voices. My only friends. My choices as well as them. Inside my cra cra cranium.) Go ahead ya'll label me insane again


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6 years ago

Thes-----e constant chit chat chattering voices inside my cranium are constantly getting at my cervical mis matched brain again. Synapses snaping out insane thoughts to the point where insane's definition needs to be changed/ permanently/ in all dictionaries. Cuz the directions my voices are sending/ keep getting me closer to the position/ I need to be in/ and that's a contradiction/ to there meaning, ain't that scary? Well not really frightening as enlighting. All the while the Dr and psychiatrists keep prescribing/ me/ medications that hinder these voices. And that's the misnomber/ who made them the judges to rate me as a non finalist? It's about time I make them stop/ getting over upon my plot/ go load up a super soaker and what not. My life/ there's it is not. And my voices agree. but these fiends/ keep at it way beyond a 33 degree. Voices whispering well then time to split some spleen. Yes yes indeed. *3(These voices. My only friends. My choices as well as them. Inside my cra cra cranium.) Go ahead ya'll label me insane again. They tell me that schizophrenia is where I be/ since these voices constantly conversat with me. And I see how it is the voices are right. While these psychiatrists are full of shit. Cuz there voices are silenced/ by societies/ goal to pursue conformist slaves of all types. In there order of brainless/ non questioning conglomerate conglomerite. Congealed individually. Concealed/ controlled controlisit/ whom love to interfere upon all my voices/ and my own plight. Take a fucking hike. Better yet fly a kite/ in the middle of a lightening storm and don't stop till lightening strikes. Alright. Cuz unlike most of you/ I do what my voices ask me too. Be it good or bad there's a reason these voices be speaking/ inside my cerebrospinal like Dr X/ was sending subliminal/ mixed/ messages into my gray matter vinyl/ using cerebromedium/ and the task is that of upper most titles. So you see its vital. That I listen to these lectures inside my spinal/ cortex/ cuz if I didn't I'd be exactly where it is most of ya'll are at. Being normal just ain't what is normally normality for me so there for these voices are me. Don't ya see? If not then back the fuck up off of me. *3(These voices. My only friends. My choices as well as them. Inside my cra cra cranium.) Go ahead ya'll label me insane again

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