Pauline Sistercupra
Pauline Sistercupra

Living in a time Sistercupra

Living in a time Sistercupra

175 Plays


10 Feb 2021

We are living in a time of non biblical existence one look at the scriptures and fate has it twisted I see a generation lost in translation past present future hate anger racism Covid 19 came here to break us But God above came here to make us Blocked inside with emotions Finding ways to keep a devotion Anxiety depression it's all just a mission. breathing and consuming these life long lessons we stare at our TVs and phones hone in on the internet cross paths with the drones We make plans for our future to find ourself on the verge of extinction while trying to create a life worth living we hear on the news a world that's sinking an existence of man made fear scientific evaluation vaccination injected into the next the generation (Covered in sin)Fear within brokenness tears hearing news of this madness our loved ones cut off Here comes the sadness corruption is mounting in the distance riots police media increase political power is misleading I hear the words I CAN'T BREATHE I SEE A VISION OF SIEGE CARNAGE LOOTING DESOLATION we fall into desperation Losing jobs on scale of mass destruction The world is in chaos as we kill our nations by poisoning the economy withΒ  chemicals warfare political malfunction The global economy falling into debt day by day suicide at an all time high I hear crowds of people chanting out loud Freedom Freedom Freedom Catch the wave can you hear them dreaming bleeding While the world watches in the disbelief Lockdown Isolation causing mayhem and pain torment heartbreak is it all just a game. Leaders around the globe controlling your feelings we watch we wait for them to make a mistake God above saids its not to late Let us rise Let us stand and give Jesus the glory for the kingdom plan The way to the kingdom is in His hands. for our FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM


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@iamfeathalee Thanks for the fire πŸ”₯ πŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ™ŒπŸ”₯I'm gonna go check out your jams πŸŽΌπŸŽ€πŸŽΌπŸŽ€πŸ‘‘πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸŽ€πŸŽΌKia Ora. primo.

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