Robbie Hall

Highs and Lows.

Robbie Hall
Highs and Lows.

60 Plays

15 Dec 2020

like #waves #spitgame #blowinohsnthesky #sodazedandconfused #alwaysfly #alwaysOK #youcantseeme #babyimok #itsok . #keep on #mygame #stay #tame #but i #still #knock #you #out your #frame #but its not #that i need taa #sogladtomeetya ***** #itsthose #highsandlows #thatkeep me on my toes #keep #me #on #my #game. #helps me #chop #dem #dames #dime #lines #dropin #them #like #change #snachupachain #knockemouttatheframe #mybaby #mamas #hatta #top #notch #proppa #what #won #not #you #son #yessa #real #balla #halla #on #them h#ighs #and #lows #again #blowin #ohs #intheframe #imhigh #whoslowerthanme #takeapuff n #blow an oh #ill keep you on yer #game. ***** #sofastsofly #living the #inhaleexhale #highlilfe #high as a #kite #jackreacha #imma #preacha #tookem to #college #just to #become #another #teacher #reaserch #thetides the #highsthelow #the #skyies and #rainbows #orchastras and #shows #justtokeepmeonmy #grind #9-5 #everyday #hustilin #hustula a #pushas #pusha #teachers #preacher #reaserched #researcher #doubleclickacourser #fuckapurse #whatsyourskirt#worth #riptoffmyshirtflirt #custom #squirter #itsthem #highsandlows #thatkeep #meonmygame #nobodyhigherthan me and #iaintcomplainin


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4 years ago

like #waves #spitgame #blowinohsnthesky #sodazedandconfused #alwaysfly #alwaysOK #youcantseeme #babyimok #itsok . #keep on #mygame #stay #tame #but i #still #knock #you #out your #frame #but its not #that i need taa #sogladtomeetya ***** #itsthose #highsandlows #thatkeep me on my toes #keep #me #on #my #game. #helps me #chop #dem #dames #dime #lines #dropin #them #like #change #snachupachain #knockemouttatheframe #mybaby #mamas #hatta #top #notch #proppa #what #won #not #you #son #yessa #real #balla #halla #on #them h#ighs #and #lows #again #blowin #ohs #intheframe #imhigh #whoslowerthanme #takeapuff n #blow an oh #ill keep you on yer #game. ***** #sofastsofly #living the #inhaleexhale #highlilfe #high as a #kite #jackreacha #imma #preacha #tookem to #college #just to #become #another #teacher #reaserch #thetides the #highsthelow #the #skyies and #rainbows #orchastras and #shows #justtokeepmeonmy #grind #9-5 #everyday #hustilin #hustula a #pushas #pusha #teachers #preacher #reaserched #researcher #doubleclickacourser #fuckapurse #whatsyourskirt#worth #riptoffmyshirtflirt #custom #squirter #itsthem #highsandlows #thatkeep #meonmygame #nobodyhigherthan me and #iaintcomplainin

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