Jose Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez

sweet girl

sweet girl

252 Plays

12 Sep 2020

sweet girl captivated by the diamonds and pearls the vanity of the world the reality of immorality turn her into a street girl a story of a sweet girl how she flip into being a street girl deep secrets bottled up inside witnessing her parents hitting eachother secret is that she was molested when unattended she was just a kid asking God please make these nightmare vanished still buggin how her cousin took advantage he's a savage now her sweet soul has been damage sweet girl captivated by the diamonds and pearls the vanity of the world the immorality, profanity, Insanity turn her into a street girl mi chica da tu corazon a jesus Christ yo orida que el espirit santo toca tu vida con fuego el pe da tu new vida con paz y goz excuse my spanlish there's plenty of sweet girls that their souls are in anguish so they cover up with a lifestyle that's lavish getting their nails done and getting extended lashes that's temporary but jesus love lasts sweet girl her what God wants to tell you in his word Proverbs 31 (S)30Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,     but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 31 Give her of the fruit of her hands,     and let her works praise her in the gates. sweet girl captivated by the diamonds and pearls the vanity of the world sweet girl you don't have to be street girl cause you are mines I'm yours ACCEPT jesus as your lord and savior by repenting from your sins of hurt,pain unforgiveness oh sweet girl jesus heals the brokenhearted and binds up your wounds


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4 years ago

check me

4 years ago

Here are my scores: Bars: 10/10 Delivery: 10/10 Impression: 10/10

hot track bars is 🔥🔥💯 check out my 8 new songs out send the support and respect back Bars: 10/10 Delivery: 10/10 Impression: 10/10

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