sorry mama

23 Plays


10 Aug 2019

yeah 22 savage ... huh... my heart moving like a shooting star.. hey little hitty dahs were we are.. mama goh hit by a moving car.. mah minds blowing,so heartbroken, just confusing, getting cold, .... bitch mah mama was a super star she never had those scary scars.. shes always moving like a gentle cram. she was hit by a bitch living in d streets Fu**king the walking like a queen in d big old gym.. whining like a paddle when she needs some cuddle.. getting high high high like a bubble... smoking tree's in a jungle...niggas piping her with a bottle ..she just getting light up like a candle.shes just docking fuck shit nigga walking talking ..get more balls interlocking.. gat noTim for dis bitches calling... yeah were balling heads falling,am just crawling, ain't no brawing , bitch stop talking Lena's calling,stars are falling, fuck u bitch cause dah was intentional ,u just hit mama without horning.cause ur horny u're just corny, u ain't free bitch u ain't running.. u're just drumming, think it's funny,dis Ain't luck bitch,u ain't sorry, ure just golly,u ain't guilty right, u ain't scared of heights,dis ain't worth a fight bitch.... fuck that whore shes getting old ..she hit mama in a road... mama lying in a bed.. little lena she's so scared.. just believe in me course mama is so strong...she will get well soon enough it won't be long.... it felt like i was wrong saying those words... cause my mama was lying facing ghost worlds.. i was 16 ... growing as a teen.. kicking trash bin.. never had a kin. Lena and me.. we're like twin.. moving like a team.. were just strong like a bee.. weren't gat no loyalty can't deny it.. tried to fight it.. it keeps coming.. me and Lena .. were so sorry.. for the way we treated mum.. so we choosed to write a song... yeah... mama is better now.. were just happy to see her frown.😁 got some money in my piggy box.. so let's party like a little fox.😎.. another one.. 22 savage huh.....


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yeah 22 savage ... huh... my heart moving like a shooting star.. hey little hitty dahs were we are.. mama goh hit by a moving car.. mah minds blowing,so heartbroken, just confusing, getting cold, .... bitch mah mama was a super star she never had those scary scars.. shes always moving like a gentle cram. she was hit by a bitch living in d streets Fu**king the walking like a queen in d big old gym.. whining like a paddle when she needs some cuddle.. getting high high high like a bubble... smoking tree's in a jungle...niggas piping her with a bottle ..she just getting light up like a candle.shes just docking fuck shit nigga walking talking ..get more balls interlocking.. gat noTim for dis bitches calling... yeah were balling heads falling,am just crawling, ain't no brawing , bitch stop talking Lena's calling,stars are falling, fuck u bitch cause dah was intentional ,u just hit mama without horning.cause ur horny u're just corny, u ain't free bitch u ain't running.. u're just drumming, think it's funny,dis Ain't luck bitch,u ain't sorry, ure just golly,u ain't guilty right, u ain't scared of heights,dis ain't worth a fight bitch.... fuck that whore shes getting old ..she hit mama in a road... mama lying in a bed.. little lena she's so scared.. just believe in me course mama is so strong...she will get well soon enough it won't be long.... it felt like i was wrong saying those words... cause my mama was lying facing ghost worlds.. i was 16 ... growing as a teen.. kicking trash bin.. never had a kin. Lena and me.. we're like twin.. moving like a team.. were just strong like a bee.. weren't gat no loyalty can't deny it.. tried to fight it.. it keeps coming.. me and Lena .. were so sorry.. for the way we treated mum.. so we choosed to write a song... yeah... mama is better now.. were just happy to see her frown.😁 got some money in my piggy box.. so let's party like a little fox.😎.. another one.. 22 savage huh.....

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