Mr.bloodmatch plays

dead motherfucker

Mr.bloodmatch plays
dead motherfucker

19 Plays

10 Nov 2018

my first rap at 12 years old behold this is whats untold I went to a store I opened the doors I put a gun to the cashiers head shot him get the money and run I have disappeared and can hear the sirens behind me. my arms feel like spears and the cops block my exit they get out of their cars load their glocks and shoot me on the spot as I die I think of all the lies I've told my life flashes my dream crashes I wake up go to the kitchen get my cup get a drink and go back to sleep to dream again.


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my first rap at 12 years old behold this is whats untold I went to a store I opened the doors I put a gun to the cashiers head shot him get the money and run I have disappeared and can hear the sirens behind me. my arms feel like spears and the cops block my exit they get out of their cars load their glocks and shoot me on the spot as I die I think of all the lies I've told my life flashes my dream crashes I wake up go to the kitchen get my cup get a drink and go back to sleep to dream again.

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