
I shot a Glock

I shot a Glock

6 Plays

19 days ago


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19 days ago

زورکی باید کارشون درست دربیاد،در نیاد میزارن برای روزه بعد،نشد میزارن روزه بعدی همینطوری تاروزی که کارشون درست دربیاد همون چیزی که خواستن بشه

19 days ago

Yo, you went hard with these lyrics, keep it up! 👊

19 days ago

Hey @bigroofshooter we liked your track 'I shot a Glock', We're so happy you're joining the Rap Fame Community, so here's a couple tips from us: 1. Use multiple vocal tracks to add some extra power to your flows. 2. The best rappers take advice on board to improve! Make sure you engage with the Rap Fame community to help you shine bright! 🌟 3. Make sure you put headphones in on your next track as the feedback is affecting the recording quality! 4. There are some nice effects in our mobile studio, like Autotune and Reverb. Why don't you try them? 5. There's a $1,000 prize pool in our weekly contests 🏆 Think you got what it takes? Try creating a track based on this week's theme! Keep up the hard work, we can't wait to hear your next fire track! 💪 All the best, The Rap Fame Team 😎

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