Brian Tooz
Brian Tooz

run out cigt

run out cigt

86 Plays

27 days ago

d in the buff this off the cuff I'm not new to this I been doing this since before yall ruined this so baby chew on this here's a clue on this spitting since the 80s you wasn't even babies you was living in a nut sack when I did my first track now where your guts at i made fat stacks and thats facts you just a new jack a sad hack trying to attack an old mac but your shits wack the same old been done lame old bought and sold claiming drugs and gold or what you stole ima leave ya with this gem every flower start a stem every diamond start as coal so play your role cus i already dug your hole jump in or pay the tole just confess kid you been bested I'm not impressed kid get some rest kid never the less kid I wish you the best kid I love being tested if you aint guessed baby im blessed kid so thank you for letting me spank you my enemy aint you even though I sank you just using blanks dude cus i out rank you my rhyme bullets aint worth your bullshit I had an ace and didn't pullit I'm a dictionary your a booklet I'm on the poster you on a flier you a boaster and a liar I spit fire but I admire your desire to attack your sire before I retire the empire but peastents were never meant to represent the 1% we own you rent go head and vent my castle nice how's your tent i know you bent you got it twisted you wanted disses you got your wish kid I'm a shark you just a fish kid OK I'm done son was a fun one taught you a ton son I'm one to run from want more come and get some suckas I met some pussies I wet some you paid your debt son so ima jet son cause I aint never regret one thing I done but willing to bet that you let one thing I said get in your head wishin you fled instead of makin the bed you gotta sleep on a pawn on the chess board sacrificed without reward you make me bored toothpick against a sword call me lord I had you floored you thought you roared but you a kitten with your bitten shit that others written I hear ya drugs cars and money been done a ton g that shit is under me for the young and dummer I got your number no story to tell just a story to sell when you live that real ones don't give that they rather live fat I'm that cat peace


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17 days ago

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

23 days ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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