OldsoulPersona 777
OldsoulPersona 777

past life stories from Oldsoul supernova persona

past life stories from Oldsoul supernova persona

385 Plays

8 months ago

#rapfame #rapFame #RAPFAMETV #NEwERASuperstars #oldsoul #freestyle Don't know if I did the right thing came up to me with a gun didn't know if he had any bullets in it All I see is red in the mirror all I see is blood need to get home or to the hospital Good thing I'm already outside at the side of my house took him to the ground couldn't get the gun away decided just to let him get away walked The same direction to my friends right beside him ask where's his getaway car did he not think this ahead told him to get away before I do something crazy had blood streaming down the side of my face told my friends take the rest of my bag I'm going to the hospital covered up in bloody rags this is what happens when you mess with people who don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions All I had to do was hang out with my friends stay where I was didn't know this would happen now all I have is flashbacks post-traumatic stress pain on my chest equation no rest bring it back no contest bringing out the conquest Oblivion a million checks sensation vibration from this creation to the sensations of my bodily functions feeling like I'm trapped in the dungeon with my anxiety getting the better of me reliability of this inner Socrates jumping off Excalibur aristocrity jumping like the fly to the flea Tell me the truth who really shot the Kennedy's revolution caught inside an institution cremation witness old times formation gravitation to a new climate bringing back this relentless onsite onslaught of the Arcadia abyss this is peace I bring from a different kind of dimension this is our affirmation station subatomic echolocation flying like a bat just another insomniac waiting for the Ritalin to attach Don't take it anymore still stuck in my bloodstream from all the pain they ignore from all the way that they can't get over this wave of the onslaught Arcadia arc of the abyss witness the abacus mushroom fungus homunculus booklet anarchist bringing back the formation of the ultimate team from the gravitation of the way that we bring the dimensional wing to fly away mad hatter pattern of the scatter that bring back what they don't shatter from the dimensional dream crystals inside the unusual bringing out the castle feel them with this unusual feeling of this institution shadow self taken over old soul supernova persona witness what is going on mystery Babylon spinning thy baton till they all sing-along this is peace behemoth inside the street witness this Cutlass emperor calendar pot that stirs salamander


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24 days ago

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

5 months ago

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

5 months ago

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

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