Scars From A Razer Blade

Scars From A Razer Blade


This song was written and recorded by TWISTEDj and Val Viciious Crowley. We were going through a difficult time and both were suffering from depression. One of us used to cut as a way to feel something other than the mental anguish that life brings with it and that is how we came up with the song. Working together to make this song happen really helped us get through that rough patch and brought us closer together. We are all affected by depression in one way or another. Whether you or someone you know suffers from depression, never stop letting those closest to you know what is going on inside that head! The mind can play dirty tricks on us and that evil voice can sometimes talk us into believing that we're worthless or not loved. There's groups that you can attend that are anonymous, there are hotlines you can call, or hell, you can even talk to one of us and we'll be glad to tell you how valuable you truly are!!! You are somebody's everything and you can't let them down! Help yourself so you can help others because this life ain't easy!!! #scarsfromarazerblade #depression #suicideawareness #darkdayz #twistedj #valcrowley #sadmusic #motivationalmusic #typebeat #2023rap #rapfame #rapfame_official #rapfame_ar #rapfame_featuredartist #selfhelp @valcrowley @ryinibeats @twistedj @southernhustleclick @suicideawareness @hotbeats @hottracks


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Damnnnn 🌪️

Dope feature and song all around

Respect 🤜🤛

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