Jared J. Runswithbears√√
Jared J. Runswithbears√√

whatever your thoughts

whatever your thoughts

201 Plays

14 Oct 2022

everything that comes in its long everything in stores not sure but I came at up your Excellence the one that came relevant to pistolences come through his devilance instead of looking to sell liquids when I came pissed these motherfucking barbiturate perpetuate instigate these ones that came through Straight I got these sons of bitches coming through the south gate Hell's Gate want to come through with my gate I got you motherfuckers looking like John Wayne Gacy motherfuckers get crazy when I come through like John Gotti I got the 12 gauge I got you motherfuckers looking for the 12th bodies God I'm buried motherfucker looking forward to lock down looking like another life of life without parole sitting on the book looking like a punk like a bitch now you're getting sick who's the cook the one that came look and cranny I got your motherfuckers looking like a tranny but not a transmission you motherfuckers hear the in position no decision who's derision who's duration who's the one that got to set the station I got the Embrace and Nicole go bless the one that brought the piss the pistolins these motherfuckers relevant I told you I'm wait here's the one that come that Francois who's the one that came through so strong who's the Franklin who's the one that came song Call Me Francois Frank water came water came One Pilot Road France a wima sue who's that dude the motherfucker came loose Jay June like the next June the bay who's the one you made to your Nathan Nathan writing who you gotten you got nothing like Jason Statham who's the one you come play Kayden instigation no probation come and get another who's the one you came asunder how come you didn't pick up all that shit that I was wrapping before you cook her who dat a hi Mom how dare you with your


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Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

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1 year ago

💪💪 Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

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