Izzy Itzcowitz/
Izzy Itzcowitz/

Rough drafts until further notice

Rough drafts until further notice

33 Plays

28 Jul 2022

everyone with me a rider, everyone with me a soldier/all of my prayers go to YAHWEH,...all of my blessings from Jehovah/...Feet planted in the soil, getting it out the Mud, sipping Folgers/where im from the early bird gets the worm,..like they supposed to/.....vrs/.....


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2 years ago

everyone with me a rider, everyone with me a soldier/all of my prayers go to YAHWEH,...all of my blessings from Jehovah/...Feet planted in the soil, getting it out the Mud, sipping Folgers/where im from the early bird gets the worm,..like they supposed to/.....vrs/.....

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