Mr. Scribble
Mr. Scribble



128 Plays

01 Apr 2022

me im in the house making noise got my guns laid out ya im playing with toys you better back up boy before this heat really gets hot i got these bitches wanting me before they boyfriends beat em up tattoos on my arms and no fucks given walking around with a ten foot dick im a living legend got my trucks outside and they looking back at me when are we going for a ride our tanks arent even empty my dogs at my feet and ya hes loyal i got him back when i was smoking weed from some tin foil my lifes been rough i havent had a mom still hasnt stopped me from dropping bombs i havent rapped in awhile i gave up making songs hear my story and maybe sing along my opinion is out there though so call me wrong i dont think we've been to the moon and Obama's wife has a dong aliens are watching us now and they love it when im rapping i need a time machine to go back to when i was happy i once had a decent life now its just crappy i barely slept last night i guess i was just napping hearing me right now your foot is probably tapping i have no Friends i never get out you probably thinking what happened they all got addicted to drugs and i worked on my life mapping i was playing on my gameboys and got lost while i was crapping """"""""""""" shit like yesterday i was 19 now im fucking 30 you know what im saying shits crazy (slow part) my sisters got a masters degree she went several years to college i never went to better my education because of my empty wallet but i bought a house though i mean its something right? whatever you gotta tell yourself to help you sleep at night flexing on these bitches in this pile of shit tahoe theyre all driving fancy new cars that dont need shit bro fuck all you bitches and all your fancy things america land of opportunities but whats hard work bring a life of regret wishing for better things and that girl from highschool the only one that deserved a ring her parents hated me and i dont blame them yo your daughter is beautiful and she aint no hoe she needed a military man that wasnt so broke so she went and shacked up with a J.I.Joe now she sits at home all alone on the phone and now her best friend got shot and now shes gone


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2 years ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

2 years ago

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Great 🎉 Impression: Dope 🔥

2 years ago

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

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