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fuck putin

fuck putin

45 Plays

15 Mar 2022

yo, what has the world come to, imma little late to the party, but lets begin, Ukraine, you might lose your reign, to a dumass stuck in the dark age, yeah, putin you have the nerve to get volunteers to die for you, man how fucked up is u, your scary ill give you that, but not scary enough to stop soilders cheatin on you, yeah, you should stick to doin your karate, oh of course that got took away, wanna hear a joke putin, one word, kyiv, your never gonna get it, u better not attack NATO or we will predict your fato, yeah, by the looks of it you would be better fallin into a volcano, carry on attackin Ukraine powerplants, we might just have another Chernobyl on our hands, man look around you, nobodys here to help you, your own people want you to die too, bomin hospitals tho, hitler didnt die he just morphed into you, people say you got a heart disease, didn't know stone could get sick, so your 69, carry on i dont think you're make it to 75, man i can't think of a fucked up rhyme to discribe you, only think i can prescribe is bullet through them eyes, zelensky all my prayers with you, remember we are alongside you, you got the guts to stay behind, my my my how so kind, so while putin scares sons and daughters, slaughters more fathers and mothers, yeah, all you nomad soilders, you made the right choice, still a little too late dont you think, but anyway congrats, to standin up to a modern day nazi crap, yeah, so the orange mans callin your moves genius hey why dont you go eat another burger you asscrack, fuck you and all your loyal diplomats,


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