Unimaginable (remix)

Unimaginable (remix)

120 Plays

27 Oct 2021

Covid roll spliffs. overdoses h bomb. calm before the storm torn away zippers. mic rippers r.i.p. daddy o. master flow sublime. what I got. defined illusional sight. might of freight enlight the stripes. feather in the cap. bars of bullion. golden temples inventational. mentioned in the book of sin. look into the diminishment. domain grand order. dominion reorder border crossing. even when I lose I win. mentality like unbeatable unshakeable. unbreakable broken promises. I wish the world was happier. gone and back Mystic metamorphosis. realistic historical presision. call this horse power. highest tower the stability. the foundation devour souls. end the bitterness listen to the status. worth nothing nothingness. but the proficiency is the prowess. of trying not to be a cowardly lion. why in the world am I here. to bring a enpowerment. to the world that needs a new Matrix trilogy. more than divinity. the tombs of the real Gods and Devils. deeper than the core of Earth. mental state never sentimental. indent you sent you to the abyss. whispering myst. definity lists of who the top be. honestly based on hostility towards the ghosts. and spirits drinking beers and liqs. spliffs blazed up. enlist into the military scary to burry. barely made it out alive. strive to be legendary a true triumphant. leader of easier. ways to spit teaser trailers. The Batman. I need a costume and maybe I could be that? or people thinkin I'm Joker. I'm more like the provoker doper on the mic. cigarette smoker slow suicide. envoker the last hope. is evidently everlasting in intensity. pencil and pens. crayons paintbrushes make the artistic. start to a new style of layers. players and coaches trail blazers and vultures. birds of prey. day 1. to make your life better. and forever is the stamp or incision inscribed. mind of a manaic. enlightenment of all planets. the solar molder everything comes together. bi polar erroder. know your strengths and weeknesses. load up and blast off like NASA. master of innervation cast a spell of is magic. seen or felt? crash into Orion's belt the north star. my heart melts for everyone. I love the world love life. death is undeniable undefinable. unseen visions unimaginable...


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