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I'm a tattoo artist who's been I the art biz 15+ years.art is my passion and my so.e dag if God willing,as a matterafact He is willing and I shall have it in the near future I'm big on creativity and music is one of my outlets to peace and voice.no matter the content or level the flow the music period...its all recreation you know so let's have fun and change the world.ha ha ha!!! I have a daughter who's my world and she's 20.i had her in my teenage years you know and hey..she's my all.IM JUST ME...DELSHAWN GRAY. A HOOD TURNED FOR THE BETTER BUT STILL HOOD@YO RISK DID A BID AND BACK FOR VICTORY 17 YEARS WHAT I BROUGHT.NEVER PROUD BUT HUMBLE CAUSE I KNOW LIFE....DT IS BOTH LIFE AND DEATH!