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SOOOO INTERESTING for my whole life i felt either adopted or legit an ALIEN to my family if u listen to my "cleaning out my closet song you'll se why. Also im Capricorn and now that Saturn has come back around apparently you DO get "blessed at 31 years old" lol...So theres that...I also am forsure a "Starseed" but not sure where im from either Andromeda, Arcturus, Orion, or Sirius...problem is i fit EVERY DISCRIPTION OUT THERE....ive also gained kinda "psycic" ablilites where either im somehow remotely talking to all these dead Musicians and they are telling me they were murdered (which by the way is TRUE for nearly EVERY dead musican and actor) Either that or im a legot reincarnation of these ppl...So i feel a really strong connection to the Egyptian god ANUBUS so i guess my theory is....: If hypotethocally if Anubus was real and could just transfer from person to person amd when that persom died he needed to find a new body...and i guess i was like "come on in bro" but yea i dont know how to do majik yet or travel interdimensionally but iI DONT BELIEVE IN LIMITS AND CONSIDERING THE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE LAST 60DAYS THEN ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE....KNOWING YOURSELF IS TRUE POWER...stay tuned not sure what will happen next but consiousness is no joke and i guess superpowers like in Stranger Things are real...who knew πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

7 plains rd suspended state earth where the wolves at???