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Certified🫡, Just got out from doing 15 years in the state pen. Went in the Army at 17 got out at almost 20. Had a deal offered but couldn’t sign cause I was n the army. Been in the streets since 12, Banging at 15 until the Rules of the Streets Done Changed. I was gone for so long that I have developed a few different styles of rapping and a couple different ways of singing and harmonizing. But open for constructive criticism. & Im 36 if anybody wondering about the greys in my beard. Last but not Least: I Believe and Stand On That “Loyalty Trumps ALL” and Just Like Always No Matter What’s Going On Or Who Doing What “I’M GONE STAND 🔟👣DOWN & WON’T BEND, WON’T BREAK & WON’T FOLD._.(PointBlankPeriod)