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A single father of 4 z z z z .. wife pass away 16 years. .. I'm gifted for two composer music gravitate my soul it's also the name of our record label I'm independent I'm finally taking a chance to express much less tell you how we inclined and unwind the essence of life don't let your imagination dominate your intelligence or the effectuation of your imagination to run wild taking the consideration have common courtesy and be cautious earth wind water and fire blessing salute I'm originally from the Bahamas but I'm mixed I'm half Jamaican my kids and my All-American their mother was arrested from St Louis so I'll be hitting you with a different various of styles also I'll be introducing myself as Mr split sincere giving you a brief introduction because there will be multiple personalities with different identity all within me as I present my art to the world by accident Vibe with me and understand that I'm on a mission living a virtual life understanding tolerating the little pet vices can be the most deadliest as you are inspired be transparent as we elevate keeping it over moving on up to the most high.