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Ron’Jay LaBeaux



If you don’t know this guy, I’d suggest you get to know him. Not only is he the most down to earth individual you could ever meet.He has a Humongous passion and drive to create that which invoke the human emotion. And as he explains it, he says; “Before any woman I ever loved,there was Music.And now after I’ve had all else fail, music is still here.” She has never failed me.” He has taken a key roll in the creation of a few DownSouth releases such as, “Big Moe’s Unfinished Business,” as well as one of his own hometown faves ,”Abstraq” on his 2001 release Grindology 101. Tigga Man ( before adopting “Mr.” adding onto the well-known attribute,) Took the starting verse on Abstraq’s radio single , “Still I Shine” featuring Lil KeKe theDon. Now to be known as MrIRefuseToLose The Beat Carpenter, Tigga Man has become fully grown from the car-tune(cartoon) character he was once known as into the sole sustainer of “The No Loss Zone” where he lives life according to the laws of the Universe (Science/mathematics) all of a Supreme Origin.@@@ From Knowledge to Born into a Cypher Of PEACE . Yeah that me! I’m e peace ✌️ too!

SouthEast Texas