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QuartJester75PsycHo: enby special needs transgender woman who has disassociative identity disorder who is a solo artist.. previously: anthony eisenach, annie malister, felicity thomisana, felicity ebi, ect linkin park is the inspiration for mine and ex bandmates band crazy dog sound..their music made us want to be musicians. crazy dog sound disbanded in 2013 and reunited in 2023. they dropped their only track "Keep Your Back" on 11.10.2023 as a farewell and parting ways to live their own lives. what are they up to now? EKEYPER also known as Felicity Ebi resides in Boston, MA where she is dating music star Emily Fox known as MALICED DARKNESS worldwide. They have 1 son named Jacob Parker. METAL JAW also known as Nathan Galindo resides in Portland, OR where he works a steady job. DJ HADES BEAT also known as Won Jang resides in Seoul, Korea and was part of the ROK army..