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Music is my therapy... Its a way for me to release my stress whether I'm just listening to it or I'm putting my thoughts on a beat... Most of what I put on are from lyrics I wrote from a month to years ago as a child for real... In school all I did was write and let off what I feel... I remember back In the day writing with a pen/pencil on a piece of paper but now they got all this dope technology and phones that have hella dope apps like this one here... And I can listen to a beat and write to it all in one and then hit record and record my vocals on the beat so it's all amazing shit and I want to thank whoever made this app for making it and allowing someone like myself to do what I've always loved to do and at the same time get some people out there to hear it and provide some feedback and hopefully some of y'all out there feel my shit and let me know about it and if not it's all good cuz I'm a still do it for the love of music... #MUCHLOVE

Tucson, Arizona