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New tins, After year of writing song while making a living as a musical stand up comedian, my dream is to be a hip hop rapper and are said to myself that music is a message, I was in Sierra Leone when I started writing my music in 2019, when I started it was not easy but I said to myself that the no easy way to success ,I change my name to Newtins when I was in the 8 grade when I started to write my music, no manger but say doing my best, I record my first song when I move to Liberia in 2005 was the catalyst for my musical career. 3 years 2 and 2 albums later, Newtins is a prolific hip hop rapper writer, Newtins world and notes are real in the way that moments in life are real, and he is sincere in every phrase without losing one precious moment of quirkiness. Liberia music reviewer magazine Newtins brings his quirky humor to his music .

New Kru Town Road