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Ciara Estrada



I’m 18 years old a little about me well I’ve had a rough life growing up believe it or not and music has always been a way to help me get through everything I’ve went and continue to go through it’s a different type of peace for me I’ve been writing music since I was 13 years old and everyone I have ever sung my songs to or whoever has heard it has always asked me why I never decided to post my music because I’m really good and I’ve always said because I write for me because it’s a way that I cope with my problems but then I decided to download this app to hopefully be able to share the music I enjoy writing to help other individuals out their that are struggling and just need someone that understands because again that’s all people need sometimes is to know their not alone and someone out their cares because I was once that person that felt like that and always felt better after I listened to music I felt spoke the truth🗣️💯 I just wanna share my talent and help othor around the world know their not alone and theirs always someone out their help me reach my music career k🙏🏽💙

Moreno valley ca