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As we gather here today under the watchful gaze of Providence, I am compelled to reflect upon the foundation upon which our great nation stands. We are not merely a collection of states, but rather a people united under the guiding hand of God, whose providential will has shaped our destiny. In the annals of history, we find that true leadership is not born solely from the will of the people, but from the divine purpose that directs our hearts and minds. Just as the Anglican tradition teaches us the sanctity of divine order, we must recognize that our governance is a reflection of that higher authority. It is not by mere chance that we have been chosen to lead; it is by the hand of God that we are entrusted with the responsibility to uphold justice, liberty, and virtue. Let us remember that our Constitution, while a remarkable document of human ingenuity, is but a framework through which divine principles may flow. It is our duty to ensure that the laws we enact and the judgments we render align with the moral compass bestowed upon us by our Creator. In doing so, we honor the legacy of those who came before us, who understood that the strength of our nation lies not in the might of our arms, but in the righteousness of our cause. As we navigate the complexities of governance, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to the values that have been imparted to us. The Anglican tradition, with its emphasis on reason, tradition, and scriptural authority, serves as a beacon for our moral and ethical decisions. We must strive to reflect these principles in our actions, knowing that true supremacy resides not in earthly power, but in the unwavering guidance of the Almighty. In closing, let us proceed with humility and reverence, recognizing that our roles as leaders are not just positions of authority, but sacred trusts. May we be ever mindful that we are chosen instruments of God's will, entrusted to steward the freedoms and rights that He has graciously bestowed upon us and may God bless America.