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Anything I post is always samples. I’m just playing with the beats. I can definitely write music anytime on any beat . I’m just sending out samples of my voice it changes. Maybe one day I will be a star 🌟 time will tell let’s go . None or the music i post is real . Only sample songs have not released any of my real music until the time comes . Let’s go it’s 2024 let’s all b exposed to real soul music . Time to change the music 🎶 industry all the music today it’s horrible. It’s not having no meaning he got all the women out here wearing a thong people running around here but naked down the street you basically might as well be on naked beach I mean women have lost the class all the fake surgery, nobody wants that all the music that promoting all the wrong things in this world got our children in the wrong direction. Wake up people change the music, make sure it makes sense . That way maybe we will ,listen to it because majority of music is trash out here today. I do not even listen to none of it . I try to stay within the 70s and the 80s music . It’s time we bring the soul back and make the music make sense …….