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Hey guys, EZT here, thanks for checking out my songs. Make sure to check out my YouTube channel, EZT rap battles. Huge shoutout to @101grandpa for being my manager My career started when I watched my first rap battle by cam steady. I was so inspired by that ash Ketchum vs Yugi moto battle that I started to decide a name. My original rapper name was panda fox. And my first written song was Las Vegas state of mind. I went through about 5 names until I came to EZT. My first song as EZT was I am EZT. Which was my first rap fame song. When I saw all the beats in rap fame, I was like what the heck, this is a life changer. That is when I decided to go on as a rapper and with EZT as my name. Then at one point in my career, I thought my rap career was coming to an end, but this was when I decided to make a song, and if it did not get over 100 plays in one week, then I would be done. And this song did get over 100 plays. This song was my signature song today, this song was dragon. It instantly exceeded every one of my songs and before I knew it, it doubled 100. my followers have kept my career going, thanks

World Eaters