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My name is Henry moncada , I'm from austin tx, I and sign my work under the artist name [Tzae]. I find inspiration in many places and have traveled to new york and California which has influenced my creative style and process. I create music been a passion of mine since I was a kid. I want to help people throw music. I specialize in song writing, and I focus on my music,God, and my family. I also enjoy working and collaborating with OG c money, My music style is Unique. I am motivated by My wife and kids,my mom , and by the ledgens in the rap game.. I've been creating music for 15 years. My favorite artist is Tupac and I find their work to be helpful in times of need,inspiring, motivation. with good stories.! I connect with the music community by face book, Instagram,. My work is also on youtube. When people see my work, I hope they experience happiness, motivation, inspiration, and stay positive. God bless everyone.
