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My Name's Daniel Effiong Ayabia aka Gospel Seed: i Answered this Name because of the Power 💪💪💪of God Attached toward it, Hey brethrens, welcome back to my channel! Today's post is going to be super interesting because I am going to be answering a question that I get asked all the time - the meaning behind my name "Gospel Seed" and the power attached to it. You see, my name is not just a name, it is a reflection of my identity, and it carries a lot of weight. Let me break it down for you. Firstly, "Daniel" means "God is my judge". This is a powerful statement because it means that my ultimate judge is God and not man. It reminds me to always strive to do the right thing, even when no one is watching. Next up is "Effiong", which is a name from the Efik tribe in Nigeria, my home country. It means "to suffer for something/someone". This reminds me of the sacrifices my parents made for my siblings and I, and motivates me to work hard for my dreams. Now, let's talk about "Ayabia". This is also from the Efik tribe and it means "God's power or might". This is where the power in my name comes from. The name is a reminder that I am not alone in my journey, and that I can do all things through God who strengthens me. And finally, "Gospel Seed". This name represents my purpose in life - to be a seed that spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever I go. It is a reminder to always operate with love, kindness and compassion towards others. So, to answer the question of what power is attached to my name - it is the power of God, the power of purpose, and the power of love. Visual: Introduce visuals of plants growing from tiny seeds to full-grown trees, with text overlays of each part of the name and its meaning. GOSPEL SEED 1. "The Meaning Behind My Name: Unveiling the Power Attached!" 2. "Unpacking the Power in My Name: The Gospel Seed Story" 3. "From Daniel to Gospel Seed: The Journey of a Name" 4. "What's in a Name? An Exploration of 'Gospel Seed'"

Nigeria, Oron