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Explicit warning triggers may upset a few ppl my mouth is terrible letting out somethings that are on my mind alot of it is to bring awareness to mental health I do have bipolar depression an extreme anxiety disorder my brain is in a bad place at the moments an so is my heart so most of the music I do will be sad mad rage it is how ever my way to release my s3lf it is also a part of my life im an 80s baby 90s kid so im mire of a story teller i also use real life situations mostvive been in dont let looks fool you im from the poorest city in Kentucky an were one of the poorest states so all odds have always been against me. We are accepting applicats for GANG if you want info contact @GhostGray I'm self taught no musical background no one's help me an my phone is all independent

Hillbilly gang

KY 502