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Allan Marshall



If you make it far enough to read this, let me start.hy saying thanks Fam! I don't want the fam shit or the attention (I mean, the money would be nice xD.). What I want is to have the some of y'all listen to my freestyles(nothing is ever written!) And tell me what I need to improve on until I get good enough for the world to listen and I'ma tell that bitch what she needs to hear. Fuck reaching the top of your peak if youre alone when you get there. This world NEEDS a fucking change and we need more humble empathetic people in charge. So fuck with my shit give it a listen. See the improvment with daily vocals uploaded for constructive criticism daily. Aka. Don't be a dick about but all advice is welcome. Cause ya know, like that Eh Marsh guy keeps saying, BEING HUMBLE CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS. ,fuck being the goat (G.O.A.T). I'ma be the moumtain goat and master the climb and helpy homie up out the hood. 902 REP, STRAIGHT WILD FROM THE ISLAND PEI OUT

All that matters is that I can be up yours