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Dj BlokkRu



The harder hit by violence areas of Philadelphia have been the focal point of police harassment and abuse of the area’s peoples. In anthropology, We(the collective) have been privy enough to know that: The Philadelphia Police Department is A culture of predominately small town white males, who police my peoples neighborhoods with military instruments of either death or coercion. The 12 district police dept has literally dubbed to be an extremely high crime area. Opening the door , leaving enough lead way for the fetter to loosen, brain to breath and then out of nowhere aghter having had help me no guy go and it’s Lamar maturation loop holes for the offficers res to entire fourto seven block radius blockthe red zone/high crime areas, by police officials, are our neighborhoods)Philadelphia (are further more in my work be termed patterns of gun violence isn’t a very hospitable

Southwest PhiLa