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Whacked minds trapt lost within the relivence of playing tech transcendence of you your spirit board type away loop the fruit sick slip of the lip lost twenty clips paper/board having hard times collecting it all I no I no the rules only one per persona but there's thirteen of me 6 or so on this but price paid lost the screen shot of troopers of Lucifer's list of well written scriptures so E got it right stick to pen an ink on the quick script listen different list ten I didn't collapsed Mucast "Take my lines I'm taking a cut" took the best an I'm offering you this my brain had a dre bump I chiseled it out vote one devils deeds summoning the gates no fake tested every bitter belief an tormented the anixiety of being frozen thorns honest to blood oath staunch spine of no love lost but some twisted shit drove me back last 7 years finding my chime in gifts of words gist since I could think as far back battle rap is extra ordinary song writing got plots of list rap dam did that dislexia even fukd the sub-conscience plus's 500 demo mode I'm a billion in front of ten G,s demo or not still documented as superstar if you can round cents to be rich then demo real who knows Benji iOP seriously why you listening to me it's just a pledge