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My name is Charles Kauffman. In my music career I go by "Charlie Mac AKA Da Profit." I'm from Lancaster, PA. I have been around to a lot of other counties in Pennsylvania, as well as some in Maryland. I love music, been creating it since 3rd grade. Long story short I never had family to support me and my dreams. My dad was against hip hop music because of his upbringing, and he found my written lyrics in my dresser drawer when I was in fourth grade, and he read, them ripped them, and whooped my ass. Since he was against it I felt even more urge to make it because I was talented at it. But growing up without having much, people pleasing was how I've gained the knowledge I have, I learned that the reason why is because of my upbringing environments. Without parents and lack of direction, I was forced to grow up through tough love. So now at 30 years old I'm in the works of creating my own studio to produce music and videos as well as helping talented people show who they are, helping people whom are helping themselves in the communities that I've been through and hopefully get to where I'm financially stable enough to help out charities across the world. I don't have pity for anything anyone goes through, but I can relate. Therefore I know how they feel. Empathy. I don't waste time on pointless activity's. My goals are to co create with people an grow soul lasting bonds.

Columbia, PA