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Name is Albert I'm not here for fame just fun things I rap about are History to who and what I use to be the set I use to bang and my life in general to shed some light on who and what I am I'd have to start from the beginning I was your ordinary farm boy from the country the Government took my families home which caused us to be homeless so we evidently migrated from the luxurious country life to living in a back alley in North Philly and being new to the hood not knowing my ass from my rear I ended up being jumped stabbed even set up multiple times as I grew with the hood I grew with the nature like the saying goes the streets can either break you or make you I became tough as nails earning rep as I went along mostly everything I rap about I'll plead the 5th too so please enjoy what I spit because this isn't your regular rap I'm a new Era I am Demon Rap