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I'm a former addict, I don't consider myself a rapper being that it's culture based and to claim to be a rapper seems to me like a lie. I loosly consider myself a lyricist for lack of a more suiting title. I write about my experiences in life and I've had many. I've been a addict. I've been crushed by a tractor. I've been beaten close to death. My parents have divorced. I've been in the most toxic of relationships in some case life threatening. I've been in ICU 3 Times fighting for my life. I've lived is 24 states and lived with all cultures America has to offer. I've lived in the ghetto, I've slept in the streets, I've been shot AT on a fee occasions, I've been stabbed and I've been extreamly violent myself when it was called for. My point isn't to boast, but to explain how with all my experiences I can write about a multitude of subjects in an attempt to reach those who are facing or have faced similar adversities hoping I can shed light, give a different perspective or simply help them work though it with my lyrics. I love everybody no matter the deamons they may harbor, no matter their history and no matter what they've done. If you need me, reach out. I will answer your call. Thank you