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Fernando Vigueria



First and foremost Looney squad is more than music it is a movement we call ourselves Looney squad because everyone in the group is authentic in themselves cuz everybody in this world is loony in their own way and it is to embrace your authentic self I'm the prophet King Looney and I have been through trials and tribulations of my own you know prison Street live drugs gangs and so I don't like the necessarily promote that but I am from that with that being said what Looney squad represents is positively being yourself in positive way I I'm all about progression in your own self as far as like being a better you everyday and making good music that make people feel good man also with that being said we also represent New era everything which is going to be a motivational speaking group to go help and give back to the youth you know kids that was like me growing up or without a dad or living on the streets so we can stop this same cycle


United States