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Hello everyone, I've first met RAP and HIP HOP when I was 14... My friend brought me a CD with 10 tracks, starting with CRISS-CROSS and THE KIDS…. going on with songs from legends as B.I.G, 2PAC etc. ending with tracks from EMINEM and D12.... I first found out that my head Is able to put together rhymes when I was 14yrs old (2004) so I started to read more, listen to instrumentals more and rappin every time possible… Even while taking a huge s*it or taking a shower, cooking, driving a forklift (my dream job) or cruising on my longboard… Thing that started as a vision of recording a rap hits and being famous rappa...became a lifestyle… Raping became my day-to-day activity…. BUT!!! I never recorded any track, I just don't feel like writing down a text……i would rather rap for my closest friends or anyone's close bday party etc. or just throw some freestyles when enjoying a huge spliff we rolled with my g's….. Oh I forgot to mention…. I only freestyle…. All those years of drillin, chillin, fellin and dreamin...since 2004 until now, continuing to next seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years or until I will not be able to take this shit that I'm going throught in my damned life (long story… maybe I'll tell you more one day in a track) or I just die from oldnes, with huge smile, thinking that every single thing I did was worth it…. Well that's me…. DeadBoy92/Fallen/Zdenda…… I don't know how to call myself as a rapper…. Maybe after reading this, anyone reading all this way down, one day, will send me a perfect pseudonym that fits me….