
638 Plays

26 Sep 2021

~Balance~ I see all colors equally in the visible spectrum but it's mostly red my vision detects when folks stereotype with flagrant disgrace don't care what you look like just how you behave now I want to take a second to address this regressive nation so obsessed with painting overzealous projections they become what they hate like blatant hypocrites I ain't seeking to divide us but rather to unite against that shit true united states was built upon the backs of slaves too many bumpkins still casting hate on darker shades but something's just as insidious these days reverse racism's getting overplayed I'm the type who breaks unfair rules made to impair the game polarized glasses control the eyes of masses when the color of a human's skin's got nothing to do with determining anyone's worth as a person and neither does their orientation a Christian, Muslim, jew or atheist a Trans, a guy or a chick quit insisting you get privelege for affiliations I don't give a fuck if you're a dem or a rep but I do care somewhat when you pretend that you should get what you haven't earned with your own merit who you are is in your dome too many clones up in this zone couldn't chill so they reached for blankets Now they're heated yet unthankful Complaining and anxious Looking for things to blame To cover their mistakes with Instead of make responsible Decisions more educated Blanket answers are complacent cancer Impatiently waving insane banners Preaching vain vagrancy from critical thinking offering deceit in the hopes to hamper growth which otherwise could thrive Promoting acceptance of what's just a lie Not all masculinity is toxic And not all feminism is nice And not everyone with less melanin Is priveleged just because they're born white Stupid people aren't dumb from being poorly designed cause stupid is a choice and they prefer to just cry Than get their hands dirty to work through their strife Not everything is black and white And not every gray is fucking neutral No everything is so confined but many label before they've truly viewed though So eager for reasons they'd prefer to believe in What doesn't make sense than admit they don't know So goddamm hellbent to put on a show They perpetually neglect that which matters most. ~Justin Farrow #jduhbbalancetrack


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2 years ago

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

2 years ago

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

2 years ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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