
kinetic poetic flow ethic

kinetic poetic flow ethic

370 Plays

24 Sep 2021

@moderator_en so hypnotic endo got it hen no kendo shot shit age when no not then oh rot ren then den sin win trottin jottin noddin God when will all this odd end and I just be forgotten course halting core small thing or alting pole vaulting so walt thinks flow show all them solo bro can eff you left who cause Br0k3NfU never let you conclude the rescue of love from beneath the fescue he addressed you as the best to have been blessed to come across in depth due too the ref threw in the towel too early cause he didn't catch my vowel rhymes my how times have changed like vows exchanged now thats tragically strange he's deranged and she's estranged from the guest ranch and has a quest to have met blanch a net stanchions as sanctions are ancient in rank franks in the flanks peeons eons beyond stoned week long song speak long on see me how when I been long gone for how long now so go on now im gone go on home how tho alto roam no more on the prowl so I don't live foul adlib growls amidst howls on his list now this the diss down wind of a pissed clown who missed the last ride out of this town and hitched his way to glitz now to blitz sound but gets drowned set better yet set the det to a time we haven't determined yet this vermin is determined to vet President in turret term deterrent be current with the hurried rants so that the show looks like some scurried ants in a worried trance for her hed dance but in err he chants the purr he chance defer each plants nutrients what about these furry pants your morbid plans to form lit stans and high performance glands inland is a rancid putrid product of a candid panoramic panic in a frantic pant mantis lands he plans on putting his hands on yet another man's but just to smother the hand in a golden band oh this qwerty hurt me blurt free spurt alert inert g inwardly in dirt be where the hurt should be but on to would be if I could be but I can't be if I go where you are trying to put me to foot the look I wouldn't put in a hook line to the book sign and took time to shook mind trying to design a benign way to end this Devine play by an entity its with a winded plea and win with speed let's get In this deep ill upend this jeep and end up in this creek called shits that reeks and end up In this heap before im limp and bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep no more to speak if I don't leak at the tournament peak Manamana can comma yall its common law come on paw draw im spewing raw chewing all I bit off im lit soft like the glow the fire sets on the loft bond mon don Diego he pawns prego and says bombs away in del ray all on feugo hey bro lets go play babe and save honest abe a grave its gone be a fave if I don't stay a slave to the substance I crave


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2 years ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

nice beat track vocalz Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

2 years ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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