Dom Hamilton
Dom Hamilton

COVID-19 21

COVID-19 21

13 Plays

09 Sep 2021

Warner stand for wiener Warner stand for wiener you can choke on a wiener blue blue blue blue blue blue black black black black and yellow black and yellow black you can choke on a dick shake that ass $10 $10 doesn't make you gay there's nothing wrong with being gay I'm not saying I am everyone needs to stop being judgemental I'm tired of all this covid 2021 Ariana covid-19 whatever this b******* is f*** you you s*** I need to tie you up on her way get your hand out my pocket before I kill you you do Marie dumb dummy dumb. Murray Murray dumb dumb screwdriver why didn't he is a a pedophile Biden I prefer Trump 2020 2024 to


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3 years ago

Warner stand for wiener Warner stand for wiener you can choke on a wiener blue blue blue blue blue blue black black black black and yellow black and yellow black you can choke on a dick shake that ass $10 $10 doesn't make you gay there's nothing wrong with being gay I'm not saying I am everyone needs to stop being judgemental I'm tired of all this covid 2021 Ariana covid-19 whatever this b******* is f*** you you s*** I need to tie you up on her way get your hand out my pocket before I kill you you do Marie dumb dummy dumb. Murray Murray dumb dumb screwdriver why didn't he is a a pedophile Biden I prefer Trump 2020 2024 to

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