The Void


The Void

17 Plays

04 Sep 2021

... society, Lets talk about it. umm, Shit... Honestly I know jack shit, but this is what I heard from others.... Society, is still back 1780's, still slavery but with screens, instead of people buying people we are now buying things that puts us against our own means. The screens are just a smaller part, but the government still has us in this Slavery thing, honestly can't yall see all we did is turn slavery into technology and then has everyone think we are free. They say the U.S had freedom, but if that was the case then wouldn't we be able to have our own rights, instead of police shooting down others because of the color of there skins, then people blame it on every unit of the police just so they don't feel any guilty, because they know they didn't listen, I dont understand it, we start riots to get rights or start movements so we can get things our way, but in the end- they don't give a fuck about what yall say. The president is supposed to protect us, then he pulls troops away and let the others have our weapons. You want no guns but then you want war- pick one or the other otherwise, all I see is your bodies dropping on the floor when you say, your done no more. Peace isnt something we seem to accomplish, it's either I want, or your not supposed to do this. I'm honestly sick of people claiming responsibility. The government covers up it's own tracks by having events and call them 'accidents' bc there is something else that is bigger then it. It sad how easy we are ok with these things, technology killed us, the president- screwed us, these riots, movements- they didnt do anything for us. People are still figuring out- who tf can they trust. its exhausting how yall think we have freedom when all that is,is upgraded and changed to other words. yall are getting upset about shit and then call it 'offensive' , all of yall is some little bitches.


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3 years ago


3 years ago

... society, Lets talk about it. umm, Shit... Honestly I know jack shit, but this is what I heard from others.... Society, is still back 1780's, still slavery but with screens, instead of people buying people we are now buying things that puts us against our own means. The screens are just a smaller part, but the government still has us in this Slavery thing, honestly can't yall see all we did is turn slavery into technology and then has everyone think we are free. They say the U.S had freedom, but if that was the case then wouldn't we be able to have our own rights, instead of police shooting down others because of the color of there skins, then people blame it on every unit of the police just so they don't feel any guilty, because they know they didn't listen, I dont understand it, we start riots to get rights or start movements so we can get things our way, but in the end- they don't give a fuck about what yall say. The president is supposed to protect us, then he pulls troops away and let the others have our weapons. You want no guns but then you want war- pick one or the other otherwise, all I see is your bodies dropping on the floor when you say, your done no more. Peace isnt something we seem to accomplish, it's either I want, or your not supposed to do this. I'm honestly sick of people claiming responsibility. The government covers up it's own tracks by having events and call them 'accidents' bc there is something else that is bigger then it. It sad how easy we are ok with these things, technology killed us, the president- screwed us, these riots, movements- they didnt do anything for us. People are still figuring out- who tf can they trust. its exhausting how yall think we have freedom when all that is,is upgraded and changed to other words. yall are getting upset about shit and then call it 'offensive' , all of yall is some little bitches.

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