sad life (x-sinator)

24 Plays


15 Aug 2021

x-sinator on the mike too emotional im bout to spit some sad isshh nd make alot cry ๐Ÿ˜‚ shit is crazy man homies died hustling some rot in jail those r ppl man they dreams dude imagined big niqqa now their lives ruined jts swollen wounds that will never heal ,parents dying too leaving children homles this life is really sad but i still live it nd im happy im breathing some never made it , they died trying , wen i died one day i hope i find peace caz in this current life i never found it man how can find peace wen ppl killing each other some abusing one another , others sleeping in streets with empty stomach ,some never chose life but they born to it , and all the wealthy ones always judging em thinking chose they chose that life , no wishes to be poor or to be born homeless its jst how tough life is but we can change that now nd help one another so we that we could live a peaceful life nd all be wealthy nd end all this sadeness x-sinator said man

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