
not enough

not enough

52 Plays

10 Jul 2021

The boy is shy, not like antisocial rather little disclosure what about my joy? space is a big key even when I'm bored(board) i talk back at father everytime he scolds, i feel bad after, he's mostly right. don't feel I'm a hit ninety(minus 20), cause these rules i spite fuck the 70 if i quickly get 7 zeros and that's me being serious. will people address me as hero? erroneous! fuck you done? not enough! not enough! not enough! what do you offer? good nothing of. you don't pass the eyetest, that's just a F. you don't pass the height test you's just an elf. shit talking... like your anus is your mouth conversely that line is so facts the former drools the latter farts if i sit on that twyford ceramic, it's the only time i drop shit so gimme some props or sit, never mind before my throat you slit yeah i should know not everyone love a GOAT bleat 'course they love gold blings, not just on you you tried to scrape the deadwoods but i saw dust on you imagine i am a vamp and we really close, from the bond I'll find it difficult to turn-U situations like that aporia in is Nigeria. keep your heads up even when it is stale mate. love you ❤️.


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10 months ago

Let's GOOO 🍿

3 years ago

The boy is shy, not like antisocial rather little disclosure what about my joy? space is a big key even when I'm bored(board) i talk back at father everytime he scolds, i feel bad after, he's mostly right. don't feel I'm a hit ninety(minus 20), cause these rules i spite fuck the 70 if i quickly get 7 zeros and that's me being serious. will people address me as hero? erroneous! fuck you done? not enough! not enough! not enough! what do you offer? good nothing of. you don't pass the eyetest, that's just a F. you don't pass the height test you's just an elf. shit talking... like your anus is your mouth conversely that line is so facts the former drools the latter farts if i sit on that twyford ceramic, it's the only time i drop shit so gimme some props or sit, never mind before my throat you slit yeah i should know not everyone love a GOAT bleat 'course they love gold blings, not just on you you tried to scrape the deadwoods but i saw dust on you imagine i am a vamp and we really close, from the bond I'll find it difficult to turn-U situations like that aporia in is Nigeria. keep your heads up even when it is stale mate. love you ❤️.

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